Package-level declarations
Data class that stores the information of an analytics event
List of events supported by id used as event name, see AnalyticsEvent.
Interface to implement if the host app is interested in the analytic events provided by the SDK. An instance of a class implementing this interface can be passed to the Editions constructor.
List of errors that can happen when trying to present an edition.
Annotation used for API whose use is discouraged. The Richie
SDK factory in richiesdk
should be used instead.
Contains an Edition and the date the edition was downloaded.
Interface to manage downloaded editions.
Interface for querying the editions on disk, which usually means they are prepared to be presented to the user.
Errors that can occur when fetching required metadata for downloading an Edition.
Interface that provides information about the edition download progress.
Data class that holds the display information for an edition, typically used decorate the UI.
Type alias to reduce code verbosity. The result of EditionProvider.editionCounts.
Interface to get the cover for an edition as a Bitmap.
Interface to get the cover for an edition as a Bitmap.
A combination of the edition cover provider interfaces.
Event keys used in analytics.
Interface for downloading and presenting editions to the user.
Interface for getting the products the issues belong to since the latest feed update, see Editions.updateFeed.
Interface to get the the editions available since the latest feed update, see Editions.updateFeed.
Main class of Richie Editions SDK.
Configuration class for Editions to be used in its constructor
Interface to get disk usage from downloaded editions.
This is the exception used when Result
Interface to iterate over the results queried from EditionProvider. Call next as needed until the Paginator is exhausted (Page.hasNext == false). It provides a Result containing a Page on success. NOTE: Calling Editions.updateFeed will render any Paginator object invalid. To keep getting Editions you need to query them again using EditionProvider.editions after an update.
Coroutine version of EditionProvider.edition.
Coroutine version of EditionProvider.editionCounts.
Coroutine version of
Coroutine version of EditionPresenter.openEdition.