Main class of Richie Editions SDK.
If an AdManager instance is not supplied, it will be created internally, or an existing one will be reused if one is available.
Calling the constructor and initialize directly is discouraged. You should instead use the Richie SDK factory.
Important: currently, only one instance of Editions may be created during the lifetime of the hosting application. This may change in the future.
Use downloadedEditionsManager to delete downloaded editions, see DownloadedEditionsManager.
Use downloadedEditionsProvider to get a list of downloaded editions, see DownloadedEditionsProvider.
Use editionCoverProvider to get the cover for editions, see EditionCoverProvider.
Use editionPresenter to download and present editions, see EditionPresenter.
Use editionProductsProvider to access to edition products, see EditionProductsProvider.
Use editionProvider to access to editions, see EditionProvider.
Use editionsDiskUsageProvider to get downloaded editions disk usage, see EditionsDiskUsageProvider.
Closes the currently opened edition reader.
Method that initializes the SDK.
Use this method to update the configuration of Editions, using an EditionsConfiguration.
Method that updates the editions available through the SDK.
Update the token provider used by Editions.