
class Editions

Main class of Richie Editions SDK.

Important: currently, only one instance of Editions may be created during the lifetime of the hosting application. This may change in the future.


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constructor(appId: String, tokenProvider: TokenProvider, analyticsListener: AnalyticsListener?, application: Application, configuration: EditionsConfiguration = EditionsConfiguration(maxZoomFactor = 1.0f), appdataNetworking: AppdataNetworking? = null)

Main constructor, this is the basic constructor to use for getting an Editions instance.

constructor(appId: String, tokenProvider: TokenProvider, analyticsListener: AnalyticsListener?, context: Context, adManager: AdManager, configuration: EditionsConfiguration = EditionsConfiguration(maxZoomFactor = 1.0f), appdataNetworking: AppdataNetworking? = null)

Use this constructor if you already have an AdManager instance.


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Use editionCoverProvider to get the cover for editions, see EditionCoverProvider.

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Use editionPresenter to download and present editions, see EditionPresenter.

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Use editionProvider to access to editions, see EditionProvider.

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fun initialize(completion: (success: Boolean) -> Unit)

Method that initializes the SDK.

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Use this method to update the configuration of Editions, using an EditionsConfiguration.

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fun updateFeed(completion: (success: Boolean) -> Unit)

Method that updates the editions available through the SDK.